Call us, we are here to help NY 718-874-5999

Case Results

State v. D.A. (Endangering Welfare of Child - Dismissed)

January 2023

Client was charged with Endangering the Welfare of a Child for allegedly choking a minor. Client was not able to return to work unless case was dismissed and she had a clean record. Through investigation and negotiation with the prosecutor, client received an Adjournment in Contemplation of Dismissal (ACD). Client was able to return to work; client does NOT have a criminal records as a result of this case. 


  • Endangering the Welfare of a Child

Practice area(s): Criminal Defense

Court: Rockland County: Spring Valley NY

Eon R. Smith, Esq., LEC

Practicing law is a privilege and a blessing for me. I hope my clients get that when meeting me.
