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Case Results

State v. S.G. (Sex Crime - Dismissed)

September 2018

Client was charged with Forcible Touching, and other charges. The client was also facing deportation proceeding and was detained (in jail) by Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE). Due the immigration case, client needed a dismissal. After many court appearances we made a motion for the case to be dismissed. The court granted the motion. Case was dismissed and sealed. Client has NO criminal record as a result of this case. We also represented the client in the immigration matter. Client was released from jail and was sponsored by a child and remains in the U.S. 


  • Forcible Touching;
  • Endangering the Welfare of a Child;
  • Harassment

Practice area(s): Criminal Defense

Court: Brooklyn: NY

Eon R. Smith, Esq., LEC

Practicing law is a privilege and a blessing for me. I hope my clients get that when meeting me.
